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Jams Big Game Animal’s Ability to Smell

            A lot of scent-altering products have been introduced to hunters over and over again. Some have claimed to be able to cover or eliminate scents or serve as attractants. With the wide variety of products, it gets quite difficult to choose what the most effective one for bowhunting is. There is, however, one product that stands out – the Nose Jammer. It’s not the same as scent-altering products; in other words, it is not an attractant or a cover scent. It is an olfactory overload system. Nose Jammer uses a compound called Vanillin, commonly found in foliage and trees, which jams big games’ sense of smell. Even though Vanillin is found in trees, when it is not concentrated, it won’t yield the same effect as the Nose Jammer. To put it simply, a concentrated level of Vanillin overloads a big game’s sense of smell making them unable to smell or detect human scents; thus, making them easy targets in bowhunting. This is because when the game’s brain processes too much odor sensory information, they shut off for a while eliminating their ability to smell other scents that startle them. To put it in another perspective, the process is the same with overly bright lights erasing a photographic image in the brain, but Nose Jammer targets their sense of smell instead. bowhunting The Nose Jammer doesn’t alarm games as well, because it consists of only natural ingredients. This means that the game will only smell natural compounds that they regularly smell in their natural habitat. This “smell” doesn’t only overload big games’ sense of smell, but it actually calms them down decreasing their startle-reflex. To use the Nose Jammer in bowhunting, simply spray some on your boots and pants when stalking. As you get to your tree, spray it with the Nose Jammer as well. Next, spray around until a cloud-like form is produced. The big games won’t be able to detect or smell you now regardless of where they are coming from. Being invisible in bowhunting is crucial, but using attractants or cover scents is not the best choice. The Nose Jammer yields the best results in attempting to become invisible to games, because when you smell like their natural environment, they won’t have a clue that you’re nearby getting ready for the kill. Not to mention that the Nose Jammer effectively calms them down, making it easier for you to aim for their kill-zone. Click here to check out the hot bowhunting equipments.
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