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Hunters Tracking Down There Prey

When it’s time for deer hunting, hunters are set to prepare to go hunting with there fellow hunters or with friends. Setting a camp is where they start their hunt. Then they have to look for a buck sign. A buck or deer rub is the sign that hunters look for and once they see a rub, hunters use it to find ideal place for hunting.

What is a rub? It is an abrasion due to a male deer that is rubbing his forehead to remove the velvet on his antlers on the tree’s base. These rubs appear in early fall or late summer when male bucks rub the velvet off their antlers (which are newly grown). Male deer also tend to make a rub during a rut season to show territory against another male deer and likewise attract a doe to mate with. The rub’s size depends on the deer’s size. Seeing a fresh rub would mean that a deer has just been there. An old rub reveals that a buck made it long time enough that it is hard to determine the travel pattern. A good travel pattern is revealed by a fresh rub - this is how to trail a buck or deer. It is important to set a good timing to find fresh rubs. Then, find the trail and study the travel pattern. Finding a trail is best if done early morning when there is mist or fog. A deer prefer to move in cover and besides, it cannot smell man’s scent when it’s foggy. A hunter should be able to find cluster of rubs near a buck’s bedding area. The hunter can see rubs space apart to another rub that makes the trail. He can tell when and what time the rubs was made by looking at what side of three the rub is on. If it’s facing the feeding area, he should know that the buck has made the rub on its way back to bed. On the other hand, if the rub is facing the bedding area, it is likely that the rub was made in the afternoon or evening and headed to the feeding area. It is time to make a tree stand and wait for that buck to show up within your eyesight. If you’re in an area where the use of rifle or standard bow is prohibited, it is best to have a crossbow to hunt with. In cases like this, you should know as a hunter how a deer reacts when hit. A deer that is hit with a bow usually reacts to the hit but due to the fact that it does not know what has happened, it will return to what they are doing. In this situation, the hunter can find a trail again to look for his buck.

However, this would be different if the hunter has used a rifle to do a hit. He would only be looking for blood trails and following blood trails can be a lot easier than looking for a buck with a bow attached to its body. It’s like starting all over again - finding a buck through rubs and the only thing that makes it easier is that the buck you’re looking for has weakened and it cannot go farther. You may find a disadvantage of crossbow hunting but its better that way when hunting in areas wherein it is restricted to use other weapons.   You can find Parker Crossbow here.
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