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Should I Replace the Bow String on my Archery Bow?

  Archery Joke: A string walks into a bar with a few friends and orders a beer. The bartender says, All jokes aside, we all know that bow strings are going to fray. There is so much force that goes behind the arrows that they are bound to experience some wear and tear. No matter how much wax you put on your string, you are going to have to replace it periodically. I shoot around 75-100 shots (roughly) from my recurve every other day, and I replace my string once every year. This is a picture of an archery bow string that is fraying. Needless to say, if your actual string is in bad condition or if it is frayed, then you are going to need to replace it. There is no way around it. The last thing that you want to have happen, is to have a string break while you are shooting. Things can get ugly, really quickly. If your serving is the part that is frayed, then that is a much simpler issue. This portion of the string can be repaired fairly easily. You just need to make sure that you have the right tools to get the job done. You also need to ensure that you have a reliable local archery pro shop to so the service for you. If you do not have a place, or there is not one that is near you, then you can learn how to serve it yourself. Check back tomorrow, when we will walk you through the process of re-serving a string.
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